If you don't make mistakes, chances are you are not stretching yourself. If your staff are allowed to feel that mistakes are part of reaching for new highs, rather than something to feel bad about, or shamed for, then they will take more risks on your behalf.

4. Remember personal details.

Take time to get to know your staff, who they are, who is important in their lives, etc. Be interested in them as people, not just as workers.

5. Don't hide behind your position.

Be human and friendly with your staff - that way you will all be able to support and encourage each other when things are tough.

Things 2 2 2 – elegant personal task management. 6. Be approachable.

Allow your staff to feel that they can come and talk to you about sensitive issues, about inside- and outside-work difficulties, and that you will respect them, and not hold what they share against them.

7. Admit your mistakes.

If you get it wrong, say so. Managers don't have to be infallible! Your staff will respect you more if you are able to admit your mistakes, and then set about sorting out a solution.

8. Listen in such a way that your employees will talk to you.

Often people feel afraid of, or intimidated by, management. Make sure you show people that you are willing to listen to what they have to say, that they are important and worthy of your time.

9. Be clear in your requests.

It is your responsibility to ensure that people understand your requests - so communicate clearly, and ask if people have understood what you are asking for.

10. Treat everyone respectfully and courteously at all times.

Particularly when there is a problem! Everyone who works for you is a valuable human being who deserves respect. A manager is only as good as how she or he treats the people on her or his team.

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When you have fewer commitments, your tendency towards To-Do list is lower

For a long while (even in the early days of AlphaEfficiency) I wasn’t endorsing To-Do lists. At the beginning of my productivity journey, I’ve viewed them not only as an interruption, but as an activity with maintenance cost, one which was severely slowing me down. At that time, this was a fact of life, as I truly had only a few key assignments during the day that had to be executed. My brain was replacing the To-Do list just fine. I know it is blasphemous to say that memory can work as a To-Do list in GTD® and Productivity circles, but when you need to do 2–3 things in a single day, it really does work just fine.
This is one of the reasons why a lot of people will never truly understand the usefulness for task management as an activity. By the time necessity for it arises, these people will disregard it as something that doesn’t work, because they’ve already tried it before, where overhead didn’t justify the time investment.

Times and needs change

But lately I’ve been busy working, running AlphaEfficiency magazine, helping friends get their startups up, and as the natural consequence, there was an endless task list that seemed like a unstoppable treadmill. This transformed my life into an endless chase from one task to the next. The fact that I had a to-do list, didn’t mean that I was completing every single task that was found on it. But it did mean that I was succeeding in an effort not to forget the important things to finish.
Later down the road, I’ve accumulated a couple of task management that weren’t operating as a full blown integrated system. And finally, these days I’ve been very grateful that I’ve been playing with them for so long, because the apps that I’ve observed as merely a toy, are now helping me push the things through the door.

When your commitments don’t scale, your to-do list is a safety net

Things 3 4 – elegant personal task management skills examples
You will never achieve a to-do list perfection, as it is always work in progress. The to-do list is simply a reflection of your life, and what is going on with it. It can be a pretty damn good indicator that we take too much on our plate. When your To-Do list is overfilled with tasks that you can’t possibly finish within a reasonable timeframe, you can use it to make hard decisions what needs to be fired from your life.
But in order to achieve any of these things, you need to follow up with one very important aspect of task management: Task Management is a complex habit.
Unlike other habits, where you repeat one action, over and over again, and you establish a habit, task management requires a multiple set of habits that are working together, in order to establish an integrated system that ensures premium productivity levels.

3 Habits That Build Task Management

Three essential habits that build task management workflow are rather simple:

Things 3 4 – Elegant Personal Task Management Skills Resume

Everything else is going beyond the mechanics of the productivity principles and the CORE. While reviewing is nice to have, it isn’t necessary as beforementioned activities. If you keep collecting, organizing and executing, you will be operational.
These three habits will keep you in the game and will keep moving you forward. They are your three main elements that will move you towards your goals. Keep the emphasis on executing, and you will consistently push the boundaries of what is possible.

Things 3 4 – Elegant Personal Task Management Skills Pdf

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